Devlog 8: Sprint 2 Part 2

Hi there!

It's us again, the Fare Exchange development team. 

A new week but also a whole new sprint! New items to tackle on the agenda, new cool things to show you guys!


More particle effects!

Fire effects! Our engine has a working fire that grows bigger and smaller according to the fuel level. A big POOF also appears when you add fuel to the fire.

[insert gif of fire poof]

A look at our jumping particle effect. We were hoping for simple yet effective, conveying the cartoony style.

[insert gif of player jumping]

We gave our different players colours! We are trying to stay in the "warm-toned" range for our player characters to really make them stand out from the "cool-toned" underworld and enemies.

[insert gif of player indicators]

And with that colour system, a particle system for our ranged attack was finally made! When an enemy gets hit it also explodes on impact.

[insert gif of attack]

And a magically POOF colour coordinated to each players colour so you know WHO is respawning.

[insert gif of respawn]


This week, we worked a lot on the animation links and fixed the player jump bug. (You could stuck in the ground and fly/hover forever).  We also added some physics to the props on the boat, and if the player walks over a whole in the ship, he can fall through it!


This week, we developed a system that allows us to detect which character model the controller is using, enabling us to trigger different sounding emotes for jumps and attacks different for each character. 

Additionally, we integrated a landing sound to complement the jumping mechanic/animation.

We also designed a magic fire  ball cast sound for our ranged attack, a trace loop, and impact on the enemy. 

Lastly, we crafted a dynamic engine loop for the boat using Metasounds. It is composed of two layers, the thick and low end of the fire, and a magic layer that gives that extra little bit of spice and which matches visually  with that magic blue colour. This Metasound also responds to the boat's health, serving as cue to the players that fuel is needed.

What's next?

We did a peer reviewed testing session of the game in it's current state and will be working with the valuable feedback to improve our game experience as much as possible. Implementing the features we are able to implement before our feature freeze next week.

Besides that the things already on the agenda were making our UI and making our "in between" screens much prettier. So expect an updated look of out GUI next week!

Until next week! 

The Fare Exchange Team

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46 days ago

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